Home Travel Ideas The Time to Go is Now

The Time to Go is Now

The Time to Go is Now

Throughout life, experiences tend to spark a desire to visit a landmark, a country, or wherever.  Often the busyness of life tends to prevent one from carrying though on these travels. Maybe it’s years of wishing to see the moving rocks in their undisturbed state at Racetrack Playa, only to find vandals have now driven onto the desert floor and and ruined the view and photo opportunities.  Or maybe it’s years of putting off a visit to see the New York City skyline, but the Twin Towers are gone once the trip happens.

Here is one such landmark that I recently learned was still in existence (thanks Shane!). It is the only remaining international boundary marker WITHIN the United States. Not many countries even have such a thing.

While this may not be a destination which sparks a week-long vacation, the Republic of Texas boundary marker is certainly worthy of a visit if in the region. I think the only appropriate method of visiting such a landmark would be just as the early Texans traveled. On dirt.  East Texas and western Louisiana are both full of it.

Go experience a significant part of history before some vandal has it’s way with it or a tornado obliterates the site.  So grab the map or spend some time on satellite view of Google Maps, and plot out a route. You can count on me doing so very soon as well.

For more great info on the marker:

32.0335, -94.0428Republic of Texas Marker Map

Photo credit: bcarusella


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